Fasteners that are made for a specific need of the client or customer are called custom fasteners. These fasteners can be manufactured for factories as well as for household purposes. Usually custom-made fasteners are demanded by factories and industrial concerns where the environment is corrosive. This is because fasteners can be made from metals that are inert and thus non-corrosive.
Customs made fasteners are also used in tying and holding roof beams together. These fasteners must be sturdy and durable so that they can take the weight of the roof and the beam at the same time. Titanium is one such metal that is custom made for the airline industry because it is lightweight and strong. Some industrial concerns use custom made fasteners for insulation purposes. The military also needs customized fasteners and the government lays down the specifications and guidelines for these fasteners.
There are different quality standards that are to be met in order to produce customized fasteners for heavy industrial purposes or in the military and aerospace industry. Some of them are MIL-S-1222 and MIL-S-1222J. These are the short forms for guidelines that are to be followed while manufacturing fasteners.
Custom-made fasteners are also used in sports cars- wheels because the wheels undergo tremendous stress and should be able to handle the extreme wear and tear that they face in a race. The navy also uses custom made fasteners because these can be made so that they do not react with seawater, and become corroded. Usually titanium or stainless steel is used in order to avoid corrosion. These types of inert metals do not react with the air or with many other chemicals.
A common factor observed in the above analysis is the matter of safety. Many custom made fasteners are made in order to avoid any casualty because of the fatigue failure of a component such as a fastener or a screw. Therefore, it can be concluded that custom-made fasteners are manufactured not only for functional purposes but also for safety.
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