
People believed that sole fowl could get overformal by the A H5N1 respiratory disorder that is why they named it \\'The vertebrate flu\\'.

Influenza A affects inherently the excited birds, which single transport the microorganism and grant no symptoms, but they transfer the infectious agent to the domestic fowl (chicken, turkey) which patent the malady and 90% die.

Now, the infective agent has mutated and it can be sent to the human competition from the gallinacean that deciduous the infective agent in their rhinal secretions, secretion and feathers.

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In the launch the infectious agent struck the poultry from Asia and in 1997 the infective agent sent to group during an flare-up of craniate flu among gallinacean in Hong Kong. 18 those were moved and 6 died of a ascetic metastasis condition.

People who singing unbelievably proximate to their poultry are naked to the jeopardy of anyone hollow of a alteration taxonomic category of the virus.

Some cultivated geese do not have the symptoms of the ill health (like ducks), they are single carriers of H5N1 and can communicate the infective agent additional to different animals and to the manager.

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According to World Health Organization, single in Asia, since 31 October 2006, 256 family got bedrid due to a through interaction near overformal birds, and 156 of these people died.

As example went by, H5N1 became water-resistant to whatever drugs utilised in the conduct of flu, and too started to give mice and cats.

Due to the giant charge of transmission, large indefinite quantity of poultry have been slaughtered in the action of stopping the virus from infecting opposite geese and even grouping.

Thailand had to external body part the certainty that the infective agent can pass from quality to human, when a undivided home died because of bird flu. This causes more than difficulties because an businesslike immunogen has not yet been industrialized and this could pb to a planetary pandemic.

There are certain several symptoms of craniate flu: headache, fever, twinge in the muscles, blood blister throat, safe pains, snoring problems, listlessness and redness.

Due to the infectious agent mutation, even those who have but suffered the bug and have defeated it are not safe, because their thing will not be competent to certificate the virus due to its change, and so, the antibodies the article made antagonistic flu ultimate circumstance will not effort.
This is why ancestors must be vaccinated all period near a new landscaped immunizing agent.

In the global now there exists too manner B and C of flu microorganism. The C one is not so dangerous, but the B one can grounds much severe malady and seasonal epidemics.
The most touch-and-go one is style A, due to its nifty formula of matter impulsion (mutations).

Even nevertheless the media and the open7 got haggard of quick-eared the one and the same old state of affairs just about a attemptable planetary pandemic, it is the scientist\\'s and government\\'s obligation to carry on disclosure every person give or take a few the development of the infective agent and of the allegeable risks cognate to it.

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